關於UL153免溫度測試問題:47.2 Determination of temperature test-exempt status
47.2.1 The following steps are to be followed to determine when a portable luminaire complies with the temperature test exempt requirements:
a) Determine shade designation in accordance with 47.3;
b) Determine minimum lamp-to-shade spacings for shade designation, lampholder type and
wattage in accordance with 47.4; and
c) Determine minimum wire insulation temperature rating in accordance with 47.5.
如果一個燈體上有兩個或兩個以上的燈罩,每個燈罩都身體符合上述要求,是否可以免溫度測試要求? 可以的 只要都符合,當然可以。一般情況下,內燈罩的燈泡到燈罩尺寸和燈罩開口尺寸可能會有問題,而外罩的問題主要是空氣流通即開口的問題了。在UL153中(是47.5還是47.6,記不清了)有一種特殊的燈罩俗稱燈塔的可免溫度測試,則不用考慮外罩尺寸了,只需考慮其通風是否順暢就可以了。