chunqiu 发表于 2008-9-21 11:55

help!  For portable light,consult a question about wire was prevente

have some part which not clear,so have a help.
For portable light,please the following information(form UL153):
8.4 When wires pass through a joint between sections of a portable luminaire that are separable for
packing purposes, the joint shall be such that rotation of one section with respect to the other during the
assembly of the sections is limited to not more that 360 degrees. Friction alone does not meet the intent
of the requirement to prevent rotation.
Exception: When all of the following conditions exist, rotation between sections of a portable luminaire is
not limited to 360 degrees:
a) The internal diameter of the tubing through which the wires pass is 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) or
more or the Power Supply Cord Twist Test, Section 135A is conducted with acceptable results;
b) The rotation during assembly is limited to not more than one revolution for each 3 inches (76
mm) of unobstructed tubing length through which the wires pass, when such rotation does not
place any stress on the conductors; and
c) The conductors do not involve splices unless the splices are:
1) Inaccessible during assembly in accordance with Accessibility of Live Parts, Section
23; and
2) Secured and provided with strain relief that has been shown to be reliable and not
easily defeated by the user.)

有款落地的灯,它是由LAMP BASE,THREE TUBES,LAMPSHADE组成,为了方便装,分开来安装,只要用户按照说明书去安装,在这里就关系到线的问题,TUBE与TUBE 联接之间,就会导致线会旋转360 度,并且线径是小于12.7mm,在此想问一下如何解决这个问题。如果做了电源线扭曲测试,就不能免温升吗。。。请各位大侠提出意见。。。THANKS。。。

wxjim 发表于 2008-9-23 09:58


135A的测试与免温升无关。我想你是想知道能否general cover吧?我不知道手上是不是最新版的FUII,不敢妄下定论。根据我手上的FUII,章节8.3是需要engineering investigation的,所以不能general cover。

kirk630330 发表于 2008-9-23 10:12

二樓的大大解說的很仔細, 謝謝

chunqiu 发表于 2008-9-23 11:41

谢谢楼主,就是想问能不能general cover,为什么做了这个135A测试就不能呢,如果我做了8度测试后,是否还可以呢,

wxjim 发表于 2008-9-23 14:02

引用第3楼chunqiu于2008-09-23 11:41发表的:
谢谢楼主,就是想问能不能general cover,为什么做了这个135A测试就不能呢,如果我做了8度测试后,是否还可以呢,

估计你没有看过FUII,做过general cover的应该都有一份,UL发出来的。不好意思我手上只有打印版

wxjim 发表于 2008-9-23 14:10


chunqiu 发表于 2008-9-24 12:46

谢谢上面的楼主,请问engineering investigation请问一下这个工程调查是怎么理解的,谢谢

boblong 发表于 2008-9-25 11:08

1.这个工程调查engineering investigation就是要你將燈具送到UL實驗室做測試。
2.樓主所說“有款落地的灯,它是由LAMP BASE,THREE TUBES,LAMPSHADE组成,为了方便装,分开来安装,只要用户按照说明书去安装,在这里就关系到线的问题,TUBE与TUBE 联接之间,就会导致线会旋转360 度,并且线径是小于12.7mm”中的線徑應該是電線通過的管徑吧,哪有線徑超過12.7的。
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