UL987 内容求助
求教各位高手,下面的文字应该怎么理解,这是温升考核一栏附录说明的内容,谢谢!A rubber-insulated conductor within a Class-A-insulated motor, a rubber-insulated motor lead, and a rubber-insulated conductor of a flexible cord entering a motor may be subjected to a higher temperature if the conductor is provided with sleeving or a braid that has been investigated and found acceptable for use at the higher temperature. This does not apply to thermoplastic-insulated wires or cords. hehe A级绝缘电动机内的有橡胶绝缘层的导体、橡胶绝缘层的电机引出线、橡胶绝缘层的电机输入线在有可用于高温情况的套管的时候才可以用在高温下。这不适用于热塑性塑料绝缘层的电线电缆。 实际上这段话的意思就是,由于线的绝缘都是有耐温等级,通常标在导线表面,超过这个耐温等级的环境是不适合使用的。而马达内部温度通常比较高,可能超过你的线的耐温,这种情况下,如果你在线上面再套一层能耐更高温度的套管,那么你的线就被允许用在这种温度下。但是只有你的导线是橡胶绝缘的才行,PVC的就不可以。