BV211 发表于 2020-9-22 21:37

UL 1310 开关电源初级零件与次级零件间距离?

UL 1310 开关电源初级零件与次级零件间距离?
标准只看到 不同极性间(L/N,fuse 两端),导电部件与非导电金属部件有空气间歇和爬电距离,但初级零件铜箔到次级零件铜箔有距离要求吗?似乎标准中没找到,烦请高手说下?
Spacings between live parts of opposite polarity, between live and dead metal parts, and betweenlive parts and a metal enclosure, shall be as specified in Table 24.1 or Table 24.2, as appropriate. If a livepart is not rigidly secured in position by a means other than friction between surfaces, or if a movable deadmetal part is in proximity to an uninsulated live part, the construction shall be such that at least theminimum spacings will be maintained.

rockleeCY 发表于 2020-9-25 08:11

开关电源初级零件与次级零件 需要满足 UL62368 或者UL60950的加强绝缘要求即可。

BV211 发表于 2020-9-25 21:56

rockleeCY 发表于 2020-9-25 08:11
开关电源初级零件与次级零件 需要满足 UL62368 或者UL60950的加强绝缘要求即可。

这里说的是UL 1310呀

Frank1991 发表于 2020-11-11 22:16

初次级按照between live and dead metal parts来看

弹指一挥uu 发表于 2020-11-20 10:01

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