IEC 60598-2-20 附录A中的bending摇摆测试次数是怎么定的
如图,对于IEC 60598-2-20附录A中bending测试,里面有句话说是This test applies and the number of cycles shall be 1 000.这里的cycles是指下述那种情况呢?
有哪位大神可以帮忙解答,仅针对IEC 60598-2-20附录A,不针对其他标准,急,谢谢。
哆啦爱梦 发表于 2020-6-30 10:12
按照61984中的描述 One bending is one movement, either backwards or forwards.是不是理解为一次弯曲为 ...
请不要加戏,一个bengding就是一个cycle。 本帖最后由 shdc1997 于 2020-6-30 13:56 编辑
是算2次 你这个问题没描述清楚。这个图2是IEC61984的图2,而IEC61984里面说的很清楚了:
7.3.10 Bending (flexing) test
Non-rewirable connectors shall be subjected to a bending test in an apparatus similar to that
shown in Figure 2.
The specimen is fixed to the oscillating member of the apparatus so that, when this is at the
midpoint of its travel, the axis of the flexible cable, where it enters the specimen, is vertical
and passes through the axis of oscillation.
The oscillating member is, by variation of distance d shown in Figure 2, so positioned that the
flexible cable makes a minimum lateral movement when the oscillating member of the test
apparatus is moved over its full travel.
The cable is loaded with a weight such that the force applied is
• 20 N for non-rewirable connectors with a conductor cross-sectional area > 0,75 mm2;
• 10 N for non-rewirable connectors with a conductor cross-sectional area ≤ 0,75 mm2.
A current equal to the rated current of the connector is passed through the conductors, the
voltage between them being the rated voltage. The protective conductor, if any, shall be
loaded with a sufficient current to perform the continuity test.
The oscillating member is moved backwards and forwards through an angle of 90° (45° on
either side of the vertical). The number of bendings shall be specified by the DS or the
manufacturer’s specification. Preferred values are given in Table 4b. The rate of bendings
shall be 60 per minute. One bending is one movement, either backwards or forwards.
Specimens with cables of circular cross-sectional area shall be rotated approximately 90°
around the vertical axis within the oscillating part after 50 % of flexings; specimens with flat
flexible cables are only bent in a direction perpendicular to the plane containing the axis of
the conductor.
fasten 发表于 2020-6-30 08:24
7.3.10 Bending (flexin ...
按照61984中的描述 One bending is one movement, either backwards or forwards.是不是理解为一次弯曲为一个动作无论向前还是向后,就是说从中心点到1再到2然后再回到中心为,经历了一次向前和一次向后,所以算2次对么?动作是两次的话,但是以中心点为原点,用周期去考虑的话,因为带有方向性,只能算一个周期吧或者说是一个cycle,因为灯串标准附录A里面提到的是number of cycles shall be 1000而不是number of bendings/movements shall be 1000, 所以灯串里面的一个cycle与61984中的一个bending 是等同还是一个cycle=2个bending,这个是我想要请教的? 哆啦爱梦 发表于 2020-6-30 10:12
按照61984中的描述 One bending is one movement, either backwards or forwards.是不是理解为一次弯曲为 ...
没时间看你文字,太忙,但是可以肯定的告诉你是:离开中心再回到中心算一个动作 对于61984我感觉也是这么理解,从原点到1再到2再到原点是两次动作。
但是60598-2-20附录A中的描述说是number of cycles shall be 1000,这里的cycle翻译过来应该是周期的意思,所以有疑义的地方是周期的话一般带有方向性,比如起始向位置1移动时方向是原点向左的,回到0位方向是向右的,只有经过位置2再到0位时方向才是原点向左,这样算是一个周期。
请问是否可以这样理解,谢谢。 哆啦爱梦 发表于 2020-6-30 15:48
但是60598-2-20附录A中的描述说是numb ...
标准没有疑问啊。站长都标红给你看了。看不懂就把表红的翻译一下。 fasten 发表于 2020-7-2 10:07
好的,非常感谢,我比较轴理解能力也有限,所以一般要问的很清楚明确才会结束,所以请见谅了:handshake 281680153 发表于 2020-7-2 08:43
嗯,了解了 ,谢谢:handshake