美国玩具安全标准ASTM F963更新至2017版
2017年8月24日,美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)发布了2017版美国玩具安全标准ASTM F963。主要修订内容:
ASTM F963-17意在纠正2016版中存在的错误,并进行其他较小的编辑更正;
ASTM F963-17补充了2016版中关于弹射玩具要求无意间遗漏的关键语言。
ASTM F963-17生效时间:
如消费品安全改进法案(CPSIA)所述,ASTM F963-17将在ASTM通知消费品安全委员会(CPSC)的180天后成为强制性标准,取代之前的ASTM F963-16,除非在90天内CPSC反馈认为有关修订不能改善玩具安全。
ASTM F963-17 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety
http://bbs.angui.org/thread-167170-1-1.html 2017年8月24日,美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)发布了2017版美国玩具安全标准ASTM F963-17。新版完善了2016版中条款4.21.2.3关于弹射玩具的要求,并对编辑稍作修正。
前版本ASTM F963-16发布于2016年10月,数月后,于2017年3月,CPSC受理由美国玩具工业协会(TIA)提出的对ASTM F963-16弹射玩具测试要求中遗漏的项目进行修订的请求并增加遗漏的措辞到相关条款中,具体如下:
※条款4.21.2.3:按8.14.5测得弹射动能大于0.08J的弹射物,其按8.14.6测得的最大单位面积动能不得超过2500 J/㎡.
--On August 24, 2017, ASTM International published ASTM F963-17, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety. The new standard is a revision to the ASTM F963-16 version. ASTM F963-16 became mandatory by CPSC rule on April 30, 2017. Under the CPSIA, it becomes mandatory within 180 days of publication, unless rejected by the US CPSC within 90 days.
---Pull and push toys:
4.5 Exemption: (7) sounds quantified by A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level, LAeq, produced by pull and push toys as a result of pulling or pushing. The maximum A-weighted sound pressure level, LAFmax, produced by the translational motion of floor or table top toys where the motion is imparted on the toy by the child (see for a greater description) shall not exceed 85 dB. (5) Floor and tabletop toys that move, where the sound is caused as a result of the movement imparted on the toy (for example, a noise making mechanism attached to an axle of a toy vehicle) shall be tested using the method for push and pull toys. In addition to the C-weighted peak measurement a maximum A-weighted sound pressure level, LAFmax, shall be made and compared to the requirements of The toys described in this section do not include push/pull toys as defined in 3.1.68. The scope of requirements for push/pull toys are given in 4.5 (7).
---Projectile toys:
Projectile Toys with Stored Energy Projectiles that have a kinetic energy greater than 0.08 J when tested in accordance with 8.14.5 shall not have a kinetic energy per unit area of contact, also known as Kinetic Energy Density (KED) greater than 2500 J/m2 when tested according to in accordance with 8.14.6.
Projectile Toys without Stored Energy Arrows intended to be launched from a bow (that is, bow and arrow set) that have a kinetic energy greater than 0.08 J when tested in accordance with 8.14.5 shall not have a maximum kinetic energy per unit area of contact (KED) that does not exceed contact, also known as Kinetic Energy Density (KED) greater than 2500 J/m2 when measured tested in accordance with 8.14.6.
liuxilin1215 发表于 2017-9-11 18:25
ASTM F963-17 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety
http://bbs.angui.org/thread-16 ...
无法正常打开链接。提示:“抱歉,您没有权限访问该版块”! 感谢分享 这个是出口美国的强制要求么 这标准要符合,但需要做认证吗? liscsupor 发表于 2018-1-6 08:18