2.密封软管灯(彩虹管灯)的外部导线:EN规定0.75MM2以上,而IEC2002版的规定1.0MM2以上,IP44以上的防护等级要求1.0MM2以上,请问是这样规定的吗?为何?? 请楼主先查查对应的灯具标准,也许能找到真正的原因呢!我先找找有没有此类标准,找到了给你个答复!谢谢 EN 60598-2-20 2.10.1 中有以下内容: 不好意思!我没有打到对应的标准. 这个还要结合EN60598-1 的5.3,可以参考一下 多谢各位回复了,但我还是没有看明白,英文太差了,看不明白? GB7000.9-1998标准对应4楼的内容. 请问一下楼主是浙江台州的吗?
对于这个问题你可看一下下面我摘自IEC 34D/847/INF的提议讨论稿,现在许多认证公司都是按这里的要求在执行!
Compliance is checked by inspection, measurement and by calculation.
The nominal cross-sectional area of the conductors shall not be less than the following values:
a) 0,5 mm2 for class II lighting chains with E5 or E10 lampholders or other small lampholders;
b) 0,75 mm2 for class II lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted with
series connected lamps;
c) 1,5 mm2 for class II lighting chains with E14, E27, B15 or B22 lampholders and fitted with
parallel connected lamps;
d)0,5 mm2 for class III chains and parts of chains supplied by SELV and with a maximum
rated wattage exceeding 50 W;
e)0,4 mm2 for class III chains and parts of chains supplied by SELV and with a maximum
rated wattage not exceeding 50 W;
f)1 mm2 for the cable between the plug and a sealed chain without joints;
g)1,5 mm2 for the cable between the plug and a sealed chain with joints. 7楼的回复是很强强的哟!谢谢!长见识了! 多谢7楼回复,可我英语太差,看不明白哟!另外我是温州乐清的哟!