EN62776:201516.1以及EN62560:201617.1LED lamps not relying on the conversion of UV radiation are expected to not exceed themaximum allowed ultraviolet hazard efficacy of luminous radiation. They do not requiremeasurement.LED灯不依靠紫外线辐射的转换,是什么类型的灯?可否举例说明~看了TUV出的LED灯泡和灯管报告,都完全没有体现UV的内容。是否都可以用62471测试来替代呢?EN:60968:201516.1NOTE In IEC 62471 exposure limits are given as effective irradiance values (unit W/m2) and for risk groupclassification the values for general lighting lamps are to be reported at an illuminance level of 500 lx. Theborderline for risk group exempt is 0,001 W/m2 at an illuminance level of 500 lx. This means the specific value,related to the illuminance, is 0,001 divided by 500 in W/(m2⋅lx), which is 2 mW/(m2⋅klx). Since lx = lm/m2 this equals2 mW/klm specific UV power.有提到用62471替代UV测试
62471够了 目前LED灯都不会存在这个问题,所以他们不会测试的