CTL中有这么一句话:Thermocouple not included in the Instrument accuracy of measuring range. Thermocouples type “K”, “T”
and “ J”, premium grade, are recommended.
Switching power supplies present an electrically noisy environment for test instrumentation. When
measuring temperatures on and within switching power supplies, thermocouples are in the immediate
vicinity or in intimate contact with component sources of the electrical noise. Type J thermocouples are
made of material that is magnetic. Type K thermocouples are made of material that is slightly magnetic.
Type T thermocouples are made of non magnetic materials. As a result Type T thermocouples are
affected less by the high frequency magnetic fields present and give more accurate results.
也就是说实验室尽量要用T type热电偶?
一般KJ较多,影响不是很大的 我们实验室是J型的 见得比较多的是K和J型 开关电源的实验室确实用T的较多 K和J型,哪个便宜用哪个:lol 家电实验室一般用K、J型号的