xiaoning 发表于 2017-3-6 21:18


IEC 62560的6.2 弯矩测试是这个意思吗?:测量水平状态下灯的长度,测量灯的重量,两者相乘数值需要符合表2?谢谢。
the bending moment shall be determined by measuring the weight of the lamp (e.g. by means of a balance) at the tip of the bulb of the horizontally held lamp and multiplying this force by the distance between the tip of the bulb and the pivot line ,the pivot line shall lie at the bottom end of the cylindrical part or at the end of the contact pins ,it shall be supported by an upright held thin metal sheet or a similar means

bub02 发表于 2017-3-7 10:12

灯头到重心的长度乘以灯重量再乘以重力加速度 就是弯矩
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查看完整版本: 球泡灯的弯矩测试