智能LED灯泡定时控制功能如何用IEC 标准评估
本帖最后由 simonzhang 于 2016-11-14 12:06 编辑最近做了一款通过手机APP控制的LED 灯泡,做SAA 认证。手机和灯泡通过蓝牙连接,SELV 隔离输出,智能控制模块在次级端。SAA 提出为什么报告中没有评估定时开关功能。要说出不需要用IEC 标准评估的理由。请各位看看开关定时功能如何评估。谢谢。
Understand that the switching and timer functions inthe Eco-bulb are activated by means of external phone but the actual functionsare within the eco-bulb. So they should have been assessed as such.Pleaseexplainthe assessment forswitching and timer functions that you have carried outon the Eco-bulband why relevant IEC standards were not applied for electronic switching andTimer functions.