今天翻看了下,新的LVD的协调标准,发现少了很多的标准。问了下原因,回复的邮件如下,或许有关心的人。Dear Mr. Mei, Standard 60335-2-24 has not been published in the OJEU of July 8th, 2016 because a formal objection is actually pending. Although Directive 2014/35/EU does not change essential requirements of the previous Directive 2006/95/EC, it does change aspects related to presumption of conformity provided by applicable standards.Whereas under Directive 2006/95/EC presumption of conformity was provided by ESO’s internal agreement and publication of standards according to National rules (where the publication on the OJEU was only for information), Directive 2014/35/EU (Art. 12) states that standards published on the OJEU provide presumption of conformity. The Vademecum on the European Standardisation (part II) also states that "while of itself the acceptance of a formal objection has no legal consequences for the existence of the said harmonised standard, it does for the legal effects related to the application of this harmonised standard. These legal effects consist of the presumption of conformity to essential requirements of products manufactured on the basis of this harmonised standard and the choice of the conformity assessment procedures".
As a consequence, the Commission must verify that presumption of conformity to safety objectives of the LVD is enforced by published standard and is in the impossibility to publish standards where they are subject of a formal objection. When the procedures concerning the formal objections will be finalised, the concerned standards will be published taking into account of their conclusions. Finally, I would like to remind that the use of standards published on the OJEU is voluntary. Economic operators can apply other technical solutions that can prove conformity to the safety objectives. Best regards,
Luca DEL COLOMBOcid:image001.gif@01D1F16E.CF7A9970European CommissionDirectorate-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)Unit C.3 – Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Systems
Electrotechnical, radio and telecommunications sectors BREY 10/091B-1049 Brussels/Belgium+32 2 29
赞:handshake 牛人,这个也可以问到,能不能顺便问一下GPSD里面为啥也把60950-1和60065标准纳入 牛逼,问一下机械指令和低电压指令范围划分清楚了没? 有些标准没有列入新LVD指令里,还在旧指令中,可能以后会列入。 305634483 发表于 2016-8-15 10:48 static/image/common/back.gif
没有啊,,,,老F应该知道这些, babyliker 发表于 2016-8-10 11:55 static/image/common/back.gif
估计是部分IT和AV的产品既不属于LVD也不属于RED,也就只好放到GPSD了。 刚刚碰到一个案子,又改了。。。 babyliker 发表于 2016-8-10 11:55 static/image/common/back.gif