19.5.3 A thermocouple intended to measure ambient temperature shall be immersed in 15 ml (0.5 oz) of mineral oil in a glass container or attached to a metal mass of approximately 30 g (1 oz) that is within a cylindrical metal shield open at the top and bottom.
19.5.4 The glass container or cylindrical metal shield shall be placed in the horizontal plane passing
through the midpoint of the luminaire’s vertical axis at a horizontal distance from the luminaire equal to at least 3 times the luminaire diameter. 我一般是放在与测试灯具水平位置的防风罩外面,这个正确不? 东方 发表于 2016-6-29 10:21 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢,这个可以是我想要的答案. 标准不是要求了一个双层的金属圆通内吗 弱弱的问一句~测试不是应该放在恒温烤箱里的吗? elva3100 发表于 2016-7-6 10:46 static/image/common/back.gif
根据我的经验 烤箱里面如果风速大 存在热交换的话会影响温升数据,除非烤箱相对样品足够大,或者有防风罩。 GB 7000.1附录K是这样说的:“取防风罩穿也壁附近,与灯具中心等高的某一位置的空气温度作为防风罩内的平均环境温度” 东方 发表于 2016-6-29 10:21 static/image/common/back.gif
您好,上下开口的双层抛光金属圆筒有食物图么?是不是这样的结构 http://bbs.angui.org/thread-153659-1-1.html