IEC60598-1 8.2.6的20N/80N是用什麼工具測試
原文如下:A force is applied approximately perpendicular to the mounting/supporting surface. The force
shall be 20 N when the opening of the cover will give access to basic insulated parts and 80 N
when live parts will be accessible.
1, 哪個探針測試, IEC61032 figure 1?
2, 外殼沒有開口的需要這個測試嗎?
標準沒寫清楚, 我的理解是用figure 1探針 用拉力计测试,不需要探针 A force is applied approximately perpendicular to the mounting/supporting surface. The force shall be 20 N when the opening of the cover will give access to basic insulated parts and 80 Nwhen live parts will be accessible.这句话怎么理解?
A force is applied approximately perpendicular to the mounting/supporting surface这句的意思是说垂直的向着安装面的推力吧。
The force shall be 20 N when the opening of the cover will give access to basic insulated parts这句话呢,是不是说20N的力通过开口或是缝隙之类的碰到基本绝缘?
或是有其它的理解? jsspace 发表于 2016-1-11 17:32 static/image/common/back.gif
版主大哥,这个测试只是用拉力计测就行了吗?那这句话“当罩盖开口将接触到基本绝缘部件时,该力应为20 N。当将要接触到带电部件时,该力应为80 N”应该怎么理解才对呀,望指点一下。 atuzai 发表于 2016-1-21 09:20 static/image/common/back.gif
版主大哥,这个测试只是用拉力计测就行了吗?那这句话“当罩盖开口将接触到基本绝缘部件时,该力应为20 N ...
已经了解了,谢谢版主,也已经问了一个大机构的同事,和你的回答一样 不是用带推力的试验指吗?小白一只,学习了