TRU and Wal-Mart children product new guidelines
TRU has just release information that all Private Label items need compliance to California 1108 by March 1, 2008. Normal TRU/BRU items must comply by 7/1/08.Wal-Mart program changes this is Fall of 2008.
Also, please note Wal-Mart is changing their Total Lead requirement to 90ppm and now placing a Total Lead requirement of 600ppm on substrates.
Please read through as there are other new program changes. 速度夠快的,謝謝分享 楼主够速度 各位樓主是不是都在做TRU 與WM產品,大家可以交流下經驗,尤其是這二個客戶在BV(HK) 做測試的經驗嗎? 這些資料本人都有,不知各位對TRU有否更詳細的產品要求? TRU是什么意思,楼主帮忙解释一下,谢谢 TRU是玩具反斗城,反正像沃尔玛一样是卖厂。