灯具如何做stability test
灯具如何做stability test!我们有一款摇臂灯,去年送CTL测试可以过8度测试的,但是今年却不行了.CTL解释由于CSA的要求不同于UL要求,虽然UL要求可以过,但是CSA不一定能过.由于手上没有CSA标准,也不知是如何要求的.
但我希望能够在这里与大家讨论一下稳定性测试,特别是这个产品要去美加市场的. 是用最不利的角度去测试, 测试时须附带灯泡 如果摇臂可以调的话,调到最不利位置,然后放在一个8度倾斜的平台上,看灯会不会翻倒,应该是ETL吧?标准应该是一样啊,相关的话题,论坛上已经有了,你可以搜索一下看看 132 Stability Test
132.1 General
132.3 Test method – units with flexible or articulated arm
132.3.1 When the portable luminaire has a flexible or articulated arm, the arm is to be bent before the lamp is placed on the inclined plane, starting at the lower end of the arm, to form a quarter circle that a line joining the ends of the arm make an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal. When a flexible or articulated arm is off-center with respect to the base, the arm is to be bent in the direction that results in tip over. When the unit has more than one flexible or articulated arm, one of the arms is to be adjusted as for a unit having a single arm, and the other arm or arms are to be extended vertically.
Exception No. 1: When the unit is not stable on a flat horizontal surface in a particular position, the unit is not required to be tested in that position.
Exception No. 2: Any position of intended use as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions is determined to be the normal operating position. 如果是最不利的位置,应该很少有产品可以通过测试.
132.3 Test method – units with flexible or articulated arm
132.3.1 When the portable luminaire has a flexible or articulated arm, the arm is to be bent before the
lamp is placed on the inclined plane, starting at the lower end of the arm, to form a quarter circle that a
line joining the ends of the arm make an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal. When a flexible or
articulated arm is off-center with respect to the base, the arm is to be bent in the direction that results in
tip over. When the unit has more than one flexible or articulated arm, one of the arms is to be adjusted
as for a unit having a single arm, and the other arm or arms are to be extended vertically.
Exception No. 1: When the unit is not stable on a flat horizontal surface in a particular position, the unit
is not required to be tested in that position.
Exception No. 2: Any position of intended use as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions is determined
to be the normal operating position.
就是说,如果是有关节的灯,就要将手臂调成四分之一的圆弧,或者说最后一条手臂与水平面成45度角. 是啊!但是好象CSA里面就是是用最不利的角度去测试,但是我没有相关的标准可查.只是CTL的人说的.可以帮助求证一下吗!谢谢! 刚看了一下CSA22.2 No.12的确是需要放在最不利的情况下做测试.
请参考条款6.11. 谢谢!可是我没有CSA标准,可否上传一下啊!或者贴上条款6.11好吗! 6.11
Stability. A free-standing luminaire shall be placed on the centre of a flat surface inclined at an angle of 8 ±1/2°to the horizontal such that all edges of the luminaire are resting on the surface. The luminaire shall not overturn when adjusted to a position or positions most likely to cause overturning. But I still have a question, from CSA 6.11, the postion should be the one most likely to cause overturning, it means it can't overturn in this postion, if it already overturn in this postion, can we still need to conduct the test in this postion? or waive it? please comment! thanks!