本帖最后由 caballo3157 于 2014-7-27 10:52 编辑通报国:法国产品: 分类:电器 名称:电子蚊拍 品牌:Daimaru 型号:DUO-10S 条码:未知
经济合作与发展组织产业分类码:78000000-电器用品描述:可充电,电子蚊拍,随带一个有5个LED的手电筒 原产地:中国Notifyingcountry:FranceProduct:
Category: Electricalappliances and equipmentProduct: Electronic mosquitoswatterBrand: DaimaruName: UnknownType/number ofmodel: DUO-10SBatchnumber/Barcode: UnknownOECD PortalCategory: 78000000 - Electrical SuppliesDescription:Rechargeable,electronic, mosquito swatter with a 5 LED torch.Country of origin: China危险:电击产品有电击危险,因为放电能量大于规定,并且形状会被孩子看做玩具;此外缺少警示标志和警示语。产品不符合低压电器指令和相关欧洲标准EN60598。 通报国采取措施:强制措施:禁止入境。Danger: Electric shock
The product poses a risk of electric shock because theenergy discharged is higher than the maximum value prescribed and its shape issuch that it could be regarded as a toy by children. In addition, some safetymarkings and warnings are missing.The product does not comply with the LowVoltage Directive and the relevant European standard EN 60598.Measures adopted by notifying country:Compulsory measures:Import rejected atborder案例摘自- Weekly overview report of RAPEXnotificationsReport 29 (Published on: 25/07/2014)
不过没证就没证,小三也没证,不影响成为男人至爱。 电蚊拍其实在很多地方都很受用, 但要符合正式安全规格就很难! 山炮 发表于 2014-7-27 19:44 static/image/common/back.gif
哈哈,这就是理论与实际,理想与现实的距离。 當心了....... 对于成人还好,对于孩子真的是一个伤害! 这类产品还是应该做好警示标志的,大法兰西怎么会有蚊子? 做好警示是应该的,这个给我们一个经验教训。 又学到东西了 不符合EN60598 ,为何未提EN60335(-2-59)?