关于60950 LCC(限电流测试)
请问,在进行60950中LCC的测试时候,输出需要带负载吗?标准有如下这句话:LIMITED CURRENT CIRCUITS shall be so designed that the limits specified in 2.4.2 are not exceeded
under normal operating conditions and in the event of a single failure within the equipment (see
1.4.14 and 1.5.7).
under normal operating conditions and in the event of a single failure 你说的带负载是指什么意思? 负载是指输出端接一个2000欧的无感电阻器,然后测流过该电阻器的稳态电流 我个人是这么理解的,等下位大侠指点一下。:lol 不需要带。 空载就可以了,带不带负载没有区别。