LED 灯管出口日本
各位大神,LED 灯管出口日本可以套用这些标准吗?IEC60598-2-1, IEC 61347-2-13, IEC62031,IEC 61195.
日本和IEC标准差别比较大,不建议参考 如果是G13的灯管,可以参考你说的那些标准,因为LED灯管日本不管控。
如果是L型灯管,可以参考JEL801(这个是日本灯泡工业会规格,当然也是非强制的) shendunxiang 发表于 2014-6-23 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif
PSE ,。 日本有相应的日本标准。 可以查到
兄弟,如果你没有做过LED灯管去日本市场的案子,还是不要误导LZ了 shendunxiang 发表于 2014-6-23 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif
PSE ,。 日本有相应的日本标准。 可以查到
去那个网站查?:lol 我去小日本的PSE网站查了一下,LED灯管是不在PSE 圆形的范围内的。
Luminaires and optical appliances and machines as noted below (limited to those with a rated voltage of not less than 100 V but not more than 300 V, and a rated frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, for use in alternating current circuits):
•8) Incandescent lamps (limited to those for general illumination use, with outer receptacle diameters of not less than 26.03 mm but not more than 26.34 mm)
•9) Fluorescent lamps (limited to those with a rated power consumption of 40 W or less)
•10) LED-lamps
•11) Pedestal lighting fixtures, household pendant fluorescent lamp lighting fixtures, hand lamps, garden lighting fixtures, decorative lighting fixtures (limited to those using capless lamps or having sockets with inner receptacle diameter of 15.5 mm or less) or other incandescent lamp lighting fixtures and discharge lamp lighting fixtures (excluding explosion-proof type)
•12) LED-luminaries and other light sources using LEDs
•13) Advertisement lamps
PSE 不包括LED 灯管 PSE 不包括LED 灯管?? 不在圆形PSE范围之内,无需做认证