本人一直对节能灯整流效应实验的电阻选用不太明白。IEC/EN 60968里面也没细说。请问各位大侠,到底该如何选用? 自己顶一顶 EN60968里是没有说的,参考EN61347-2-3的条款, 见下方.16 Abnormal conditions
For the test simulating operation with a de-activated lamp, a resistor is connected in place of
each lamp cathode. The resistor value is derived from the value of the nominal running
current of the lamp prescribed in the relevant lamp data sheet of IEC 60081 and IEC 60901
and substituted in the following equation:
where In is the rated lamp current of the lamp.
For lamps not covered by IEC 60081 and IEC 60901, the values declared by the lamp
manufacturer shall be used.