UL 8750 8.6 50W功率点测试
请问 UL8750 8.6章节 50W 功率点测试具体怎么做。 还有这个测试的目的是什么? 具体测试有电路图的啊测试的目的是考虑到你裸板耐压不过时,即使按现电路设计也不会有什么危害 Nezof 发表于 2014-3-10 09:31 static/image/common/back.gif
怎么测试啊 结合标准的测试线路图按下面意思做呗 Connect a knife-switch(s) across the protective device(s) in the circuit.Protective devices include fuses, thermal protectors, and dedicated protection circuits. For each set of test points specified below, determine if 50 Watts or more power is available after 1 minute.Make this determination as follows: Connect a wattmeter and an adjustable resistive load across the capacitor or semiconductor junction under test.The load resistor should be capable of handling at least 50 Watts and should be set for its maximum resistance at the start of the 'test'. Close the knife switch on the protective device in the circuit.Then adjust the load resistor to cause a power dissipation of exactly 50 Watts as indicated by the meter.Open the knife switch across the protective device.If the protective device functions within 1 minute to reduce available power to less than 50 Watts, the point under test is considered not capable of delivering 50 Watts for one minute.Similarly, if a circuit component or components, open in less than 1 minute, or current is inherently limited to keep power below 50 Watts, the test point is considered as not capable of delivering 50 Watts for 1 minute. Nezof 发表于 2014-3-10 10:14 static/image/common/back.gif
结合标准的测试线路图按下面意思做呗 Connect a knife-switch(s) across the protective device(s) in the...
你太不厚道了,人家看的明白就不问了 测试方法如下:
滑动变阻器找到最大的功率点即可。 jsspace 发表于 2014-3-10 12:08 static/image/common/back.gif
将滑动变阻器接到你需要测试的点,然后用功率计监测其功率 ...
厚道人啊!!!:) 说的太笼统。 这个章节主要针对什么灯呢? 看标准我也会