EN62841 是否取代 60745-1
请问EN62841-1是不是要取代60745-1?何时开始? "EN 62841-1:2013Will supersede EN 60745-1:2009, EN60745-1:2009/A11:2010, EN 61029-1:2009 and EN 61029-1:2009/A11:2010 and willpartially supersede (for lawn and garden machinery) EN 60335-1:2012 and itsamendments * 116/97/NP and 116/98/CDV circulated simultaneously at IEC level *Project to be cancelled if 116/97/NP is not approved * 116/98A/CDV cancels andreplaces 116/98/CDV circulated on 2012-09-28; the document is reissued toinclude the project reference "IEC 62841". The voting deadlineremains unchanged * 2012-11-09 (116/114/RVN): 116/97/NP approved * FprEN62841-1:2013/FprAA:2013 covering common modifications to this document iscirculated simultaneously. If approved, both projects will be merged andpublished as one single document, with the implementation dates of FprAA. (seePR=24491)"标准已经制定的差不多了,据说UL也已经着手准备了。
估计也就这1-2年吧 据说是的, 不过估计大概到2015年左右 手持式、可移式和园林工具大整合 不断学习:dizzy: 好像要到2016年才能实施吧,这个
期待着标准 :):):):) 现在2017算实施了吗:lol 2018年强制执行