都说了是IEC标准了。 你做ETL是去到美规的, 肯定是用UL标准了!
还有CSA标准,40A应该不是UL标准要求的。 如果是按CSA标准那就要40A测,CSA C22.2 No. 0.4第四章节有写,不得低于40A。:L 首先你是做IEC的标准,但是你申请IEC的时候,是否有什么做美国或是加拿大的差异测试呢?
这就是为什么40A的原因,因为这是美国或是加拿大的要求,25A是针对欧洲的 山炮 发表于 2013-10-12 23:05 static/image/common/back.gif
还以为是household appliances IEC 和UL标准都有这样的note, 测试电流2倍保护导体额定电流。
NOTE 1 In most countries, 16 A is considered to be suitable as the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the circuit.
NOTE 2 In Canada and United States, the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the circuit is taken as 20 A.
NOTE 3 In the United Kingdom, the current rating of the circuit shall be taken as 13 A, not 16 A. The test current, duration of the test and test results are as follows:
a) For equipment powered from a MAINS SUPPLY, if the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the
circuit under test (see is 16 A or less, the test current is 200 % of the PROTECTIVE
CURRENT RATING applied for 120 s.
The resistance of the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR, calculated from the voltage drop,
shall not exceed 0,1 Ω . After the test, the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR shall not be
b) For equipment powered from an AC MAINS SUPPLY, if the PROTECTIVE CURRENT RATING of the
circuit under test exceeds 16 A, the test current is 200 % of the PROTECTIVE CURRENT
RATING and the duration of the test is as shown in Table 2E.
Table 2E – Test duration, a.c. mains supplies
Duration of the test
≤ 30 2
30 < Ipc ≤ 60 4
60 < Ipc ≤ 100 6
100 < Ipc ≤ 200 8
> 200 10
The voltage drop in the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR shall not exceed 2,5 V. After the
test the PROTECTIVE BONDING CONDUCTOR shall not be damaged. 所以一般是32A,2min. 美国和加拿大 40A , 2min Fasten说的对,这个40A,2mins是根据偏差标准来的,看了标准就知道了,IEC只是大概的综述,具体情况得具体分析