如何判定頂&側部開孔滿足5angle(UL60950 Figure 4E)?
UL60950-1 4.6.1 提到:Where a portion of the side of a FIRE ENCLOSURE falls within the area traced out by the 5 angle in figure 4E, the limitation in 4.6.2 on sizes of openings in bottoms of FIRE ECLOSURES also apply to this portion of the side.
如何判定頂部開是否滿足 5angle(UL60950 Figure 4E)呢?
有相關的軟件嗎?還是用目測拉5度的方法。請賜教。 The standard saidthat compliance is checked by inspection and measurement, so i think you must have a method to test the angle 機台沒出來之前,機構在設計Top&side開孔的時候想知道如何判定頂OR側部開孔滿不滿足5angle,如果滿足了,就不用當底部開孔處理了(那就可以省錢了!)
機台出來后, 如果開孔上方最容易跳出來的元件滿足5angle .那其他的元件也是不是也OK了。這樣的話 開孔能按照Top&side 標准處理嗎?
有什么可以分享的趕快啊 大伙!