How to understand the sentence in subclause in en60335-2-30
en60335-2-305.6 Addition:
Thermostats sensitive to the room air temperature, such as those having a sensing element
located in the air inlet, are short-circuited. However, if the thermostat can be set so that it
does not cycle, it is not short-circuited.
whichsubclause shall be short -circuited the thermostate in test? I can not understand. Hope others can help us. They are short-circuited during the test of clause 19.101. Dear all:
It means that thermostats loacted in the air inelt, and sensitive to the ambient air temperature of itself for control or other purpose should be short-circuited during the heating test. However, ifthe thermostat can be set for not cycle operation should not be short-circuited. Maybe the decision below can give you some hint.
本文来自:安规网 www.angui.org请勿转贴本站技术原创贴!谢谢! 如果室内加热器装有一个用来感应室内温度的温控器,而且在用户正常使用过程中起到调节作用(比如:用户将室内温度设置为27度,当室内温度达到27度时加热器内的温控器将会动作使室内的温度保持在27度),那么在正常测试时必须将这个温控器短路,使其失效。
但如果可以通过设置使这个温控器在正常工作时不动作,则可以不短路进行测试! The cl. 5 is General conditions for the tests.
this requirment is applying to all this standard.
so, all the tests shall short this termostat 虽然我自己不做此类产品,还是想学习下,为什么要安装这种感应室温的温控?是悬空在空气中感温的吗?即便如此,感应的温度应该只是器具周围的环温吧,那为什么需要短接,或者换句话说,标准短接这个温控是为了模拟什么情景? 感受环境温度是为了控制加热的过程,如果环境温度已经打到设定温度,就停止加热。象标准中说的”in air inlet",一般是放置在进风口的,所以基本上可以看作感知环境温度,不过对于没有风扇的油汀类,可能这个“环境温度”和实际的环境温度差距较大。
短接的目的可能是模拟这个感温器失效时看是否出现因为过热而造成的危险。 60335-1中的标准,都有明确规定。见clause19.4 The thermostat above mentioned should be short circuited during the tests of Clause 11, as well as 19 Clause.