各位好:1类灯具关于接地电阻测试。EN 60598的接地电阻测试要求阻抗不大于0.5欧姆;
UL 1598的接地电阻测试要求阻抗不大于0.1欧姆。
测试没有问题!可以去欧洲,去不了美国~~~~~~~~~·· 为何不去找出导致电阻大的原因,虽然电线较长,但完全可以做到0.05欧。 以出货成品的样式测量,接地电阻做到0.5欧以下不是什么难事吧 肯定是哪里接触不良,不然像炮哥说的,0.05以下不是问题 我但单独测试电源线就有0.08欧了。所以0.1欧是有的。 因为内部还要接一段控制电源的输入线 测试设备本身接线电阻是否考虑l了呢?测试前测试设备的2根测试线相互夹住后设备归零,再测试 设备有归零并有点检电阻点检后才测的! 按照UL1598,可以做17.2.4的测试:
17.2.4 The test of impedance shall be performed by passing a 30 A current from a part to be grounded
to the grounding terminal means for a period of 2 min and measuring the potential drop between them at
the end of the period.
17.2.5 When tested in accordance with Clause 17.2.4:
(a) the resulting voltage drop shall not exceed 4.0 V; and
(b) there shall be no melting of any conductor or metal in the bonding circuit
(c) there shall be no heating or burning that is likely to create a fire hazard.