本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-6-14 14:28 编辑市场上CE标志使用很泛滥,有的只有ROHS认证的也打CE标志,有的只有LVD认证的,有的只有EMC认证的,都打CE标志。且CE标志本身不反映任何认证内容(证书虽然反映了,但是一般情况下,消费者看不到证书,只能在提出质疑的时候要求生产商提供证书进行对质。),甚至很多生产商没有任何认证测试,都打CE标志,可以这么说,只要打算出口欧洲的,不管有没有经过认证测试,都全打CE标志。我想知道,对于CE mark的使用,有没有什么规定,是不是符合任何一个欧盟指令都可以打这个标志?还是必须同时满足某几个指令才能打? 还有像CE标志这样的严重缺乏监管的使用,我总觉得应该出台跟踪管制办法,像UL就管制得很好,对R类产品,有季度跟踪检验,对L类产品还有按照UL标签使用量来定检验频率,比如电线厂,有的厂UL检验员一个礼拜都要去两次才能完成检验频率要求。相比于UL,CE认证标志简直就是一个虚设的东西,我一直反感CE这种自我声明方式,毫无监管。 毫无疑问,应该要满足ROHS, LVD, EMC等等指令才能打CE LOGO
现在有些产品随意打CE LOGO,宣称满足CE标准,其实此产品根本没有按照EN标准做测试(其实不也出口到欧盟),不过是欺骗国内消费者而已 jsspace 发表于 2013-6-14 14:34 static/image/common/back.gif
毫无疑问,应该要满足ROHS, LVD, EMC等等指令才能打CE LOGO
现在有些产品随意打CE LOGO,宣称满足CE标准, ...
好像不少第三方只测LVD也发证了。当然发的证书是没问题的,上面有注明是LVD指令,但是检测报告里,铭牌就允许打CE mark了。这是不是违反了规定? jsspace 发表于 2013-6-14 14:34 static/image/common/back.gif
毫无疑问,应该要满足ROHS, LVD, EMC等等指令才能打CE LOGO
现在有些产品随意打CE LOGO,宣称满足CE标准, ...
在erp指令内的产品是否漏了ERP这个认证呢? 贺小梅 发表于 2013-6-14 15:32 static/image/common/back.gif
是的,我说的是“等等指令” CE=LVD+EMC 本帖最后由 sc8chen 于 2013-6-14 16:38 编辑
CE 指令如下:
[*]Chemical substances (REACH)
[*]Explosives for civil uses
[*]Pyrotechnic articles
Conformity assessment and management systems
[*]New Legislative Framework (NLF) and Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
[*]Construction products (CPD/CPR)
Consumers and workers protection
[*]Cosmetics products
[*]General product safety
[*]Personal protective equipment (PPE)
[*]Toys safety
Energy efficiency
[*]Ecodesign and energy labeling
Electric and electronic engineering
[*]Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
[*]Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
[*]Low Voltage (LVD)
[*]Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE)
[*]Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)
Healthcare engineering
[*]Active implantable medical devices
[*]In vitro diagnostic medical devices
[*]Medical devices (MDD)
Measuring technology
[*]Measuring instruments (MID)
[*]Non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI)
Mechanical engineering and means of transport
[*]Cableway installations designed to carry persons
[*]Equipment for explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
[*]Gas appliances (GAD)
[*]Machinery (MD)
[*]Pressure equipment (PED)
[*]Rail system: interoperability
[*]Recreational craft
[*]Simple Pressure Vessels (SPVD)
[*]Community postal services
[*]Packaging and packaging waste
每種產品適用的 CE 指令都不同,而且 CE 指令並不是只有 "自我宣告"一種.
Depends on the products, the directives are different accordingly, and normally, EMC, LVD directives are common ones, plus the RoHS directive if not covered by RoHS exception list.
Self-declare could be accepted for most products except some special products, but this could not be easily and well controlled by the manufacturers for lots of reasons.... sc8chen 发表于 2013-6-14 16:32 static/image/common/back.gif
CE 指令如下:
[*]Chemical substances (REACH)
能翻译下嘛,哈哈! CE 本身就是符合性宣称,打了CE 就要符合该产品 相关的所有指令。实际上这是种诚信。