daocaoren 发表于 2013-5-2 16:59

UL153 mounting means test

156.2 Test method
156.2.1 Each test is to be conducted using the hardware provided and with the unit mounted in
accordance with the instructions provided. An adjustable luminaire is to be adjusted to the position that
results in the most severe test.
Exception: When the instructions do not specify a minimum mounting surface, the tests are to be
conducted using 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) trade size plaster board securely attached to studs on 16 inch (406
mm) centers.


Nezof 发表于 2013-5-2 17:05


daocaoren 发表于 2013-5-2 17:15

Nezof 发表于 2013-5-2 17:05 static/image/common/back.gif



daocaoren 发表于 2013-5-3 09:04

under cabinet lights没有指定最小的安装面 那么要做mounting means test ,灯具的安装方式是在安装面(没有写木板)钻2个孔,然后用机械螺丝拧上去,然后灯具背面有2个钥匙孔扣上去,安装就完成了。
问题是做mounting means test 时候,在石膏板上钻2个孔,然后拧螺丝上去,灯具扣上去之后很容易就掉出来了。那表示测试不通过吗? 还是说明书本身就有问题

daocaoren 发表于 2013-5-10 13:26

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