UL 153 这个灯要做cls 159 mouting means test 吗?
UL 153 这个灯要做cls 159 mouting means test 吗?这个算弹簧吗(就一个铁线)?159.1.1 A clamp-on unit relying on a spring-actuated clip for securement shall be subjected to the test
described in 159.2. Compliance criteria is described in 159.3.
159.2 Test method
159.2.1 The test is to be conducted as follows:
a) The unit is to be clamped to a smooth vertical unpainted metal surface 1/16 inch (1.6 mm)
thick. A weight equal to the weight of the unit is to be attached at the point where the clamp is
secured to the unit. See Figure 159.1.
b) The test is to be repeated with the unit clamped to a smooth, unpainted pine wood surface
1-1/2 inches (38 mm) thick.
c) For each of the above conditions, the weight is to be applied gradually and maintained for
one hour.
需要做,有弹力驱动的装置都适合,不仅仅是弹簧。 要做的,多数情况下这个测试还是比较难过的。 Required 是呀,今天有一灯打了UL 标签,夹不到38mm。问下这个力要多大,才能算夹38MM 呢? 如果你很费力很费力的才夹到38MM,算是PASS 吗?