现在我们的新产品马上要进行UL IPI 审厂,之前我们的产品用的线材都是供应商裁好后给我们供货(供应商有裁切认证,是买的别的厂家线材有UL认证的给我们裁切的),最近供应商它自己的整卷线材也申请了UL认证,也就是说供应商的卷线(未裁切)有认证,裁切也有认证,裁切认证用的是橙色标签,卷线用的是蓝色标签,供应商说因为他们两个认证都有,所以如果他供应用他们自己生产的线材裁切后给我们的时候可以只给蓝色标签,只要总长度对得上就行,而不必给橙色标签,供应商这样做可以省了橙色标签的钱了,但是这样,UL在审我们工厂的时候符合UL的要求吗?我是这样想的,如果按供应商说的那样可以的话,那是不是别人线材厂两个认证都做,但他们出货时都只给蓝色标签,那岂不是省了很多橙色标签的钱?这样应该是不行的吧?
两个标签都要,一个是证明线材本身符合UL要求,另一个是供应商的加工资质证明 badatong 发表于 2013-4-1 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
我们购买的只是裁切后的线材,应该只要橙色标签就可以了吧?蓝色的不是对应卷线的么?至于裁切供应商在购买别的厂家的卷线时的蓝色标签应该是他们审厂的要求吧? Normally, the blue color lable is for UL 758, and the orange lable is for UL764, so if your supplier has both certificates for its wire&wiring harness, then if this supplier use its own 758 wire to process into 764, then no need to attach the 758 label on its wiring harness, and the wiring harness should be shipped out with the orange(764) label attached, but in this case, 04-form should be filled in for the wires which used on the wiring harness, and UL will charge your supplier based on the 04-form, and this form should be filled in and submitted to UL by the UL factory auditor, so actually, it can not save money.
As to your question, how to controll the labels on your products which the supplier provided to you, it's better for your supplier to provide the orange(764) lable on those wiring harness, and no need to provide the blue label, anyway, if 764 lable can not be provided by your supplier, the 758 label should be provided at least, but that's not the best way.
So based on that, you can directly ask your supplier to provide the orange labels together with the wiring harnesses, that's enough... 楼主真幸运,供应商两种标签都能提供。
我们工厂就惨了,产品只要一点点UL裁线,但是加工厂不给做,说量太少,每次都要求他. gmr24185 发表于 2013-4-1 13:58 static/image/common/back.gif
我们工厂就惨了,产品只要一点点UL裁线,但是加工厂不给做,说量太 ...
呵呵,我们的量还是算大的,供应商之前没做裁切认证,后来我们说不做的话我们就换厂家,他就去做了 Andy.Yang 发表于 2013-4-1 13:03 static/image/common/back.gif
Normally, the blue color lable is for UL 758, and the orange lable is for UL764, so if your supplier ...
非常感谢您的指点,只是“04-form should be filled in for the wires which used on the wiring harness, and UL will charge your supplier based on the 04-form, and this form should be filled in and submitted to UL by the UL factory auditor,”
这几句实在是不懂啊,这个04-form没听过呢 本帖最后由 tsunn 于 2013-4-2 08:39 编辑
只给蓝色标签就行了,他们自己同时认证了UL758和UL764,UL检验员验厂时验到UL764的档案时会出一个04form,根据产量线长总计出,这些裁线就不用再帖AWM的标签了,只需要帖他们蓝色的标签就行了。放心,你的IPI绝对不会因为这个问题过不了,除非他们的裁线认证(UL764:PROCESSED WIRE )是假的或者没有裁线认证,这样的话就必须提供相应线材的AWM标签。 lianchuang 发表于 2013-4-1 14:04 static/image/common/back.gif
非常感谢您的指点,只是“04-form should be filled in for the wires which used on the wiring harness ...
No need for you to understand the 04 form, it's used for UL to charge the manufacturer which uses its own wire&cable to process into wiring harnesses.
What you should do is to ask you supplier to ship out those wiring harnesses with the orange label attached, that'll be OK... Here, I only wanna say something for UL 764, from my side, I do think this kind of UL certificates is not reasonable, just for cheating money, that should be imporved by UL, and I can tell you that the UL764 FUII had not been updated for lots of years, so what does it mean?
Sometimes, UL should improve something, but that 's not controlled by the factories:lol