an attachment plug A strain relief shall be provided at only one end of a flexible cord under the following conditions:(a) the cord is attached directly to a wiring device, such as an attachment plug, by the wiring
device manufacturer; or
(b) comply with the strain-relief test of Clause 16.21.1.
1598不包含带plug的灯具,这里为什么出现such as an attachment plug
这个Plug不一定指的是电源插头,可以是公母插等接线插头 明白了 ,那意思是插头这边不用做拉力 另一头才做? 意思是外露的电线,原本两端都是要有防拉装置的,但是如果一头是插头,则只需要另一端有防拉装置即可。