清水白菜 发表于 2012-12-14 13:39

本帖最后由 清水白菜 于 2012-12-14 13:44 编辑

海之未央 发表于 2012-12-12 17:18 http://bbs.angui.org/static/image/common/back.gif
我也是这么理解的,即使短路也是初级和次级分别短。。。。但貌似某机构签证官上周跟我说即使有隔离变压器 ...
我同意那簽證官的說法,IEC 62109-2 中4. Design of insulation or separation—Note 1里有說明:

NOTE 1 These requirements are intended to protect workers who are servicing the AC mains system. In that scenario the mains will be disconnected, and the hazard being protected against is the array voltage appearing on the disconnected mains wiring, either phase-to-phase, or phase-to-earth. Therefore it is the PV array parameters (working voltage, impulse withstand voltage, and temporary over-voltage) that determine the required insulation or separation. The worker may be in a different location than any PV disconnection means located between the array and the inverter, or may not have access, so the insulation or separation provided in the inverter must be relied on. In a non-isolated inverter, only the required automatic disconnection means separates the mains service worker from the PV voltage. In an isolated inverter, the isolation transformer and other isolation components are in series with the automatic disconnection means, and separate the worker from the PV voltage in the event of failure of the automatic disconnection means.

戏尘 发表于 2012-12-14 16:36

海之未央 发表于 2012-12-14 11:06 static/image/common/back.gif
光藕属绝缘于有认证的隔离器件,,,一般对于有认证的功能是不需要评估的吧? 单点故障不是主要针对无认证 ...

你的理解不正确喔 因为光耦的认证只是零件的认证,当他装在EUT内 作用气隔离的,而且异常测试就是在模拟当产品出现故障的时候,会不会产生绝缘崩溃,或是产生点击等就是安规那七大危险

海之未央 发表于 2012-12-24 10:50

戏尘 发表于 2012-12-14 16:36 static/image/common/back.gif
你的理解不正确喔 因为光耦的认证只是零件的认证,当他装在EUT内 作用气隔离的,而且异常测试就是在模拟当 ...

一般来说对于未经过认证的元器件,我们认为他的功能(咱们安规主要指的是安全功能)是不可靠的,因此才会有单点故障评估这个项目。而对于一个已经有可靠认证的元器件,比如说其绝缘如果已经有认证的话,只要元器件使用环境没有超过其rate值,那么元此绝缘貌似不需要再另行评估的(我们做整机认证的时候对于绝缘膜也不会再把两边短路做故障测试了吧? )。而对于隔离变压器,默认来说都是按照加强绝缘来(耐压与距离都达标)对待的,而加强绝缘是不需要也不允许被短路的。
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查看完整版本: 62109-2对于隔离型逆变器的要求