FCC label请教
各位高手请教下:FCC VOC的产品,15.19 Labelling requirements.有要求对于在产品(较小体积)上无法打印statement时,必须在产品明显位置标示unique identifier。问下对于unique identifier是由制造商或进口商自行定义,无格式要求,并保留相关记录就可以了??还是有相关的流程来注册产品的unique identifier??
没人回答的,,,,:'( 各位高手帮帮忙。 详见47 CFR $2.954,无格式要求!
§ 2.954 Identification.
Devices subject only to verification shall be uniquely identified by the person responsible for marketing or importing the equipment within the United States. However, the identification
shall not be of a format which could be confused with the FCC Identifier required on certified, notified or type accepted equipment. The importer or manufacturer shall maintain adequate
identification records to facilitate positive identification for each verified device.