DSH 403 Capacitors
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif DSH 403
Standard(s)- (year and edition):
IEC 60601-1:1988 Ed.2 Am1+Am2
Sub clause(s): 52.5.9
Sheet n°: DSH-403
Subject: Capacitors
Key words: Capacitors, supply mains
Confirmed by CTL at its 39th meeting, in Cologne
The Rationale to 57.7 is in contradiction with the requirement in 52.5.9. For instance, any
capacitor connected on the SUPPLY MAINS side of mains fuses would, in the case of shortcircuit
fault, imply that the safety depends on safety devices external to the equipment in which
the capacitor is mounted.
What shall be required of components connected on the SUPPLY MAINS side of any mains fuse
or OVER-CURRENT RELEASE? For instance, shall capacitors complying with IEC Publication
60384-14 be accepted?
For these c omponents, compliance with a relevant IEC standard should be sought. If no suitable
standard exists, examination of characteristics, evidence of reliability should be researched as
clause 3.4 suggests (equivalent degree of safety).