LED 灯具 连接电源不用接线端子可以吗
LED 灯具 不用接线端子可以吗,灯具内导线用软线固定架固定住,伸出灯具外,做认证能过吗,谢谢 应该是可以的,最好有图片........ 可以的,直接连接到固定布线,应该叫电源引线吧 这样的结构应该是可以的 完全没有问题,你说的这种方式叫连接引线,但要主要连接引线要采用双重绝缘的线。 IEC60598-1 5.2 Supply connection and other external wiring5.2.1 Luminaires shall be provided with one of the following means of connection to the
– Fixed luminaires devices for the connection of luminaires;
terminals; plugs for engagement with socket-outlets;
connecting leads (tails);
supply cords;
adapters for engagement with supply tracks;
appliance inlets.
– Portable luminaires supply cords; with plugs; appliance inlets.
– Track-mounted luminaires adaptors or connectors.