EN 60335-2-9 A13 (attention: will be corrected (11/2011)) can be used as test requirementand basis for evaluating the risk of touchable non-functional hot surfaces for granting the GSmark
by taking into account the following constraints.
Issues which are not covered by the standard shall be covered with the decisions of EK1AG2.
The following requirements apply mutatis mutandis to all products in the scope of EN 60335-
2-9 except specific decision were made for these products by EK1AG2.
a) Exemptions, e.g double value of the surface temperature (EN 60335-2-9 A13 table Z101
foot note b)) or other exemptions differ from a “maximum setting” shall not be applicable.
b) As long as no other regulations exist the evaluation if outer surfaces are touchable in
normal use will be done by using probe A (EN 61032 6.1.2 a)).
这是EK1AG2里的一段话, a)里的double value到底是可用呢还是不可用呢?
两倍限值不适用 yinke 发表于 2012-10-16 09:59 static/image/common/back.gif
我也一直是这个观点, 但是老外突然告诉我, 两倍限值是有的, 于是我把这句话翻出来开始琢磨了 EK1的决议如果英文有歧义的话,要以德文的为准!最好看下德文的 不是做ce的话可以用double value吗? 先报个到,我也同样要知道,该如何判定? 我这里有两份关于EK1 AG2的文件,希望大家参考讨论,我看后的理解是GS不能接受双倍限值! 因为去年LZ发贴时我休了产假,所以一直未能看到,希望此次能与各位探讨下此问题! 我仔细读过这一段话,我更倾向于认为:GS是不认可两倍限值的。从前后的语境理解,应该是这样的! jedy2009 发表于 2013-6-5 16:32 static/image/common/back.gif