就是 11章 电热器具不是要求1.15倍 额定功率?这里的系数就是1.15正常带PTC电热器具 做11章就应该用...
那19.2的测试条件如何, 0.85开根号?岂不是越来越大了?
对这个问题你怎么看? xuanzhengbo 发表于 2012-10-14 22:14 static/image/common/back.gif
那19.2的测试条件如何, 0.85开根号?岂不是越来越大了?
19.2 通过降电压实现 功率0.85倍 学习了! 学习中。 GB4706.1-2005 "5.13带PTC电热元件的器具,在与规定的输入功率相对应的电压下进行试验,当规定的输入功率大于额定输入功率时,用来乘电压的系数等于用来乘输入功率的系数的平方根" 要是一个III类带电池的直发棒,岂不是不需要测19.2和19.3了?还是需要单独给发热元件供相应的系数的直流电进行测试? 5.12 For heating appliances and combined appliances, when it is specified that the
appliance has to operate at a power input multiplied by a factor, this applies only to heating
elements without appreciable positive temperature coefficient of resistance.
For heating elements with appreciable positive temperature coefficient of resistance, other than
PTC heating elements, the supply voltage is determined by supplying the appliance at rated
voltage until the heating element reaches its operating temperature. The supply voltage is then
Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission
rapidly increased to the value necessary to give the power input required for the relevant test,
this value of the supply voltage being maintained throughout the test.
NOTE In general, the temperature coefficient is considered to be appreciable if, at rated voltage, the power input
of the appliance in cold condition differs by more than 25 % from the power input at operating temperature.
5.13 The tests for appliances with PTC heating elements and for heating appliances and
combined appliances where the heating elements are supplied via a switch mode power
supply are carried out at a voltage corresponding to the specified power input.
When a power input greater than the rated power input is specified, the factor for multiplying
the voltage is equal to the square root of the factor for multiplying the power input.