DSH 619 3 phase power supply
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gifDSH 619
3 phase power supply
Standard(s)- (year and edition):
IEC 61010-1, ed. 2, 2001
Sub clause(s):
Sheet n°: DSH 619
3 Phase power supply
Key words:
Requirement; power supply
Decision approved by the CTL Plenary meeting 2007
Dec. 35: 43/06 of the 43th CTL meeting: The CTL agreed that all ETFs should examine the power supply requirements in standards (e.g. need for a 3 -phase power supply) and update the lists of test equipment to include these requirements, where applicable.
List has been updated; for the main part a 3 phase power supply does not need to be present at the CBTL, but can be used in MTL situations (status “W”)