貌似从最近开始,所有非隔离逆变器的认证都会需要评估软件了,,,,欧洲是60730标准,北美是Ul1998标准,。,,,,有哪位大虾做过这一块的可以分享一下经验呢~ 评估的系统很多 比如软件的控制功能 各种命令 等 要资料给我站内信 其实一直都有要软件评估,但是机构都没做这个。希望这次能实现。 可以出一份报告的呀 不知楼主是否看过此类报告 Voltage monitoring Frequency monitoring
RCD (RCMU) monitoring
Islanding detection
Insulation detection
I/P, O/P voltage/current detection
O/P power control
Self test
软件描述 硬件描述都需要写在报告中的 Hardware Description
DC/AC Inverter
The Inverter will convert from the direct current (DC) to the alternating current (AC); the converted AC could generate any voltage and frequency by requirement with transformer, switching and control circuits. After converter, the inverter will generate a nearly perfect sine wave output (<3% total harmonic distortion) that is essentially the same as utility-supplied grid power. Thus it is compatible with all AC electronic devices. This is the on-grid type inverters. The design is more complex, and costs more per unit power. The electrical inverter is a high-power electronic oscillator. It is so named because early mechanical AC to DC converters was made to work in reverse, and thus were "inverted", to convert DC to AC.
DSP Controller & MCU Controller
The internal control is redundant built. It consists out of two controllers (U7, U9), the master DSP controller (U7) can control the relays, measures voltage, frequency, AC current with injected DC, insulation resistance and residual current. In addition it tests the current sensors before each start up.The slave MCU (U9) can also shut down the relays.Both microcontrollers communicate with each other.
RCMU Circuit
The RCMU (Residual Current Measurement Unit) monitors the AC residual currents between the inverter and the output filter. The residual current also will be checked and monitored by the two controllers (Master DSP/Slave MCU) separately.
Grid disconnection
The units provide two relays in series in each phase. The relays are tested self before each start-up.
还要很多这只是其中一部分 做评估的话,软件代码是不是也要提供? 戏尘 发表于 2012-8-23 23:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Voltage monitoring