kevinyang26 发表于 2012-8-6 22:27


两句话的区别 or 相等?
EN60598-1: Parts of insulating material retaining current-carrying parts or SELV parts in position, and
external parts of insulating material providing protection against electric shock shall be
resistant to flame and ignition.
EN61347-1: External parts of insulating material providing protection against electric shock and
parts of insulating material retaining live parts in position shall be sufficiently resistant to
flame and ignition/fire.

Alive or live (energized). The term means electrically connected to a source of potential difference, or electrically charged so as to have a potential significantly different from that of the earth in the vicinity. The term "live" is sometimes used in place of the term "current-carrying," where the intent is clear, to avoid repetition of the longer term.

Current-carrying part. The term means a conducting part intended to be connected in an electric circuit to a source of voltage. Non-current-carrying parts are those not intended to be so connected.

Dead (deenergized). The term means free from any electrical connection to a source of potential difference and from electrical charges: Not having a potential difference from that of earth.
NOTE: The term is used only with reference to current-carrying parts which are sometimes alive (energized).

Jason020 发表于 2012-8-7 08:41


Nezof 发表于 2012-8-7 09:24


Fangdifa 发表于 2012-8-7 10:01


Clears 发表于 2012-8-7 11:38


gaolujie99 发表于 2012-8-7 13:05

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