看到其他厂家的一些逆变器产品中都没有交流、直流侧保险丝。或者是只有交流侧有保险丝。那样的设计安规上是否可以?保险丝到底是否需要安装?怎么安装才符合要求呢? 大部分厂家都是在交流侧安保险丝,但是也有在直流侧安装的,这要看你的设计了 直流侧可有可无,通过short test评估就OK;交流侧就看你设计了,要样机里没有,需在说明书中说明装机时交流侧用的外置Fuse的Rating,相关要求如下(IEC 62109-1): Output short circuit
Each power output port of the PCE, and each section of a tapped output, shall be tested one
at a time, to simulate short circuits in the load or wiring. Overcurrent protection devices as
provided in the PCE or as specified in the installation instructions, shall be fitted during the
test. All other outputs are loaded or not loaded, whichever load condition of normal use is less
Testing is required to be performed on all combinations of terminals for the port under
consideration, two at a time, including neutral and earth terminals, and one test with all
current-carrying terminals of the port shorted together at once. Where analysis shows that the
test for one combination is representative of other combinations, tests may be omitted.
In addition to the requirements of 4.4.3, the short-circuit currents are to be recorded and if
they exceed the maximum rated current of the circuit, the maximum measured current shall be
provided in the installation manual for the purpose of coordination of overcurrent protection of
the external circuit conductors (see 5.3.2).
The value(s) to be recorded and to be provided with the PCE instructions are the peak
current, and the highest of the RMS current values measured or calculated over a time period
as follows:
a) for AC signals, 3 cycles of the nominal AC frequency for the port under consideration, in
which case the value is to be stated as the 3-cycle RMS value;
b) for all signals, the duration of the short circuit from the time the short circuit is applied, until
the time the short circuit current is interrupted by a protective device or other mechanism, in
which case the value stated is to include the RMS value and the time period in seconds;
c) for short circuit tests that result in a continuous non-zero value, the steady-state RMS
value, in which case the value is to be stated as a continuous RMS value.
NOTE Where the intended use of the short-circuit current information requires a different type of measurement,
additional data may be provided. For example, for AC mains fault current contribution some utilities may prefer a
¼-cycle RMS or other RMS calculation to the 3-cycle RMS above. 和设计有关 然后看你做异常时FUSE 的能否保护 不管是交流侧或者直流侧都可以不用保险丝,交流并网侧可用继电器保护异常动作,直流侧如果连接到限流源就不存在过流 沒錯 -->不管是交流侧或者直流侧都可以不用保险絲
我們以前有裝, 現在都拿掉了.